Saturday, October 11, 2008

Opening Worlds- Creating a Character!

When we read stories, writers often try very hard to bring a character to life in just a few lines. Read the following extract from Games at Twilight:

Ravi sat back on the harsh edge of the tub, deciding to hold out a bit longer. What fun if they were all found and caught-he alone left unconquered! He had never known that sensation. Nothing more wonderful had ever happened to him than being taken out by an uncle and bought a whole slab of chocolate all to himself, or being flung into the soda-man’s pony cart and driven up to the gate by the friendly driver with the red beard and pointed ears. To defeat Raghu- that hirusute, hoarse-voiced football champion-and to be the winner in a circle of older, bigger, luckier children- that would be thrilling beyond imagination.

Now you have read the extract, I would like to find 5 extracts from the last 5 stories in opening worlds which bring a character to life in just a few lines.

Some Tips

There are three things you can do to bring a character to life:

. Give some vivid physical description
. Describe the distinctive things a character does
. Use dialogue to convey the way a character speaks.

Finally, using the tips above, have a go at creating a character and bring them to life.

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