Saturday, October 11, 2008

Opening Worlds- Creating a Character!

When we read stories, writers often try very hard to bring a character to life in just a few lines. Read the following extract from Games at Twilight:

Ravi sat back on the harsh edge of the tub, deciding to hold out a bit longer. What fun if they were all found and caught-he alone left unconquered! He had never known that sensation. Nothing more wonderful had ever happened to him than being taken out by an uncle and bought a whole slab of chocolate all to himself, or being flung into the soda-man’s pony cart and driven up to the gate by the friendly driver with the red beard and pointed ears. To defeat Raghu- that hirusute, hoarse-voiced football champion-and to be the winner in a circle of older, bigger, luckier children- that would be thrilling beyond imagination.

Now you have read the extract, I would like to find 5 extracts from the last 5 stories in opening worlds which bring a character to life in just a few lines.

Some Tips

There are three things you can do to bring a character to life:

. Give some vivid physical description
. Describe the distinctive things a character does
. Use dialogue to convey the way a character speaks.

Finally, using the tips above, have a go at creating a character and bring them to life.

Opening Worlds- Pass your Knowledge on!

Read The Winter Oak.

Your task

Create an informative storyboard for year 8 students. Design a ‘fun’ storyboard which explains what the story is about. Remember to use the key quotations from the text.

Create a Collage :)

Read the following extract from Games at Twilight:


They faced the afternoon. It was too hot. Too bright. The white walls of the veranda glared stridently in the sun. The bougainvillea hung about it, purple and magenta, in livid balloons. The garden outside was like a tray made of beaten brass, flattened out on the red gravel and the stony soil in all shades of metal- aluminium, tin, copper and brass. No life stirred at this arid time of day- the birds still drooped, like dead fruit, in the papery tents of the trees; some squirrels lay limp on the wet earth under the garden tap. The outdoor dog lay stretched as if dead on the veranda mat, his paws and ears and tail all reaching out like dying travellers in search of water. He rolled his eyes at the children-two white marbles rolling in the purple sockets, begging for sympathy-and attempted to lift his tail in a wag but could not.

Your Task

Using images from magazines, Newspapers or the internet, create a collage which explains what the extract is about.

Have your say!

Click here look at the following clip based on the issue of gun and knife crime.

Using persuasive techniques and presentational devices write a persuasive and engaging article for your peers encouraging them to end this senseless crime and respect their lives.

Remember to use simple, complex and compound sentences!

Use your imagination. Go on get creative :)

Click here and look at the description of Maslin beach in Australia.

. Using a holiday brochure and the internet, browse the description of the beaches of your choice.

. Select an image and write a description of your image using your senses and descriptive language. Remember to make your description evocative for your reader to transport them to another world!!

Describing a Character

Click here and look at the lyrics of the popular song 'No Air' by Jordin Sparkes.

. What is the song about?
. How is the person feeling?

Look at the following extract from Holes by Louis Sachar.

Stanley was sitting about ten rows back, handcuffed to his armrest. His backpack lay on the seat next to him. It contained his toothbrush, toothpaste, and a box of stationery his mother had given him. He’d promised to write to her at least once a week.

He looked out of the window, although there wasn’t much to see, mostly fields of hay and cotton. He was on a long bus ride to nowhere. The bus wasn’t air-conditioned, and the hot, heavy air was almost as stifling as the handcuffs.
Stanley felt somewhat dazed as the guard unlocked his handcuffs and led him off the bus. His mouth was dry and his throat hurt.

Your Task
Write the lyrics of a song to describe the way Stanley maybe feeling. Go ahead put your songwriter hat on and be musical :) :)