Every time you pick up a magazine, or look at a web page or newspaper, you are introduced to different types of information presented in hundreds of different styles.
The style of presentation
When you are answering a question on style and presentation devices, it is often helpful to think about what attracts your attention most:
· Is it headlines (eg 'Help')?
· Is it pictures (eg the eyes of a little boy in a photograph)?
Can you think of any examples of the following presentation devices? Try to think about how these devices are used and for what purpose.
· Headlines
· Subheadings
· Illustrations/photographs
· Bold print
· Underlinings
· Logos
· Slogans
Have a look at the style of this leaflet.
Your Task
Use as many presentational devices as you can to write the text of a leaflet to encourage the public to donate to a charity of your choice.